Independent Examination of Local Development Plans - Fermanagh & Omagh District Council

The Department for Infrastructure has appointed the Planning Appeals Commission to conduct an Independent Examination (IE) of the Fermanagh & Omagh District Council Local Development Plan Strategy. Programme Officer, Barry Fegan, has reviewed the draft Plan Strategy documents supplied directly by Fermanagh & Omagh Council and the Commission has assigned Commissioner Diane O'Neill to perform the IE. 

The Commissioner will proceed to undertaking a series of checks to ensure that all essential regulatory steps have been taken by the Council and to identify any fundamental concerns about the soundness of the plan. Following these checks, the Commissioner may request further written evidence and an exploratory meeting may be held. If an exploratory meeting is not required we will proceed to arrange the hearing sessions. 

The Programme Officer will make contact with all parties who made representations in due course. All communications in relation to this examination should be directed to Barry Fegan, on 028 9089 3917 or by sending an email to

Further information regarding the Commission’s procedures for Independent Examinations can be found in our procedures document here

The Commission has updated our website with a Webpage dedicated to this Independent Examination (