On 15 January 2025 the Commission acceded to the Department’s request to suspend the public inquiry to facilitate the undertaking of transboundary consultation. It had been anticipated that the Department would provide the Commission with an update regarding the status of the transboundary consultation by 11 March 2025 to enable a revised timetable to be set at a mid-inquiry meeting. Insufficient detail was provided to enable the Commission to forward plan the reprogramming of the public inquiry.
The mid-inquiry meeting will therefore proceed at 10.30am on Wednesday 26 March in the Strule Arts Centre. The main purpose of the meeting will be for the Department to provide the Commission with a date for completion of that transboundary work and when it will supply the Commission with all relevant information required so a revised timetable can be set.
Please note that issues related to matters contained within letters of representation will not be discussed at the mid-inquiry meeting. These will be deliberated when the hearing sessions resume.