The Commissioner, in reviewing the Statements of Case Re 2019/E0034, considers that some of the information in the appellant’s Statement of Case amounts to ‘any other information’ in accordance with Regulation 39(1) of The Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2017, as per 2(2) of the Regulations we are required to advertise on our website.
If you wish to view the ES and the additional information contact the PAC to make an appointment as per the information below.
Appellant name: Assured Energy LLP
Address: Land North of 53 Dunnalong Road, Bready, Tyrone, BT82 0DW
Alleged unauthorised Anerobic Digester Plant consisting of primary and secondary anaerobic digesters, Vielfrab solid feed unit, combined heat and power plant and office building, electricity substation, flare, weigh bridge, feedstock storage clamps, concrete apron, hard standing, effluent storage tanks, and pre pit.
The Commission has received an Environmental Statement (ES) and other information related to the ES in respect of the above referenced appeal. The other information comprises Annexes 5-14 of the Statement of Case (SoC) and includes information and updates to the ES re. Air Quality, Ecology, Odour, Drainage and Flooding, Soils/Geology & Hydrology/Hydrogeology, Transport, Noise, Accidents & Disasters, Human Health and Nutrient Management Plans), Annex 16 of the SoC (mitigation – Vapogant plant) and an updated shadow Habitats Regulation Assessment. The document may be inspected at the following locations and will be available for inspection until Monday 31 March 2025.
• Planning Appeals Commission, 4th Floor, 92 Ann Street, Belfast, BT1 3HH, available from Monday to Friday between the hours of 9:00am – 4.30pm.
• Sollus Centre, 231 Victoria Road, Bready, BT82 0EB, available from Monday to Friday from 10:00am to 5:00pm
The cost is as follows:- hard copy £175, electronic copy £30
For further information from the appellant on the ES or the other information as above, or for an electronic copy of the ES or other information, please contact:
Gravis Planning Ltd,
1 Pavilions Office Park,
Kinnegar Drive,
BT18 9JQ
Email -
Telephone 02890 425222.
Any person who wishes to make representations about any matter dealt with in the Environmental Statement or other information may do so in writing to the Commission, by Monday 31 March 2025.
Planning Appeals Commission
4th Floor,
92 Ann Street,