2019/C006 – 008 – JHT (UPPERLANDS) LIMITED

2019/C006 – 008 – JHT (UPPERLANDS) LIMITED

Authority ref: H/2009/0264/O; H/2009/0270/F; & H/2009/0271/LB

Appellant:      JHT (Upperlands) Limited

Regionally significant planning applications and listed building consent application – proposed heritage-led mixed-use development (incorporating residential development, leisure and recreational uses and community facilities including museum / exhibition space) and works to listed buildings at Upperlands, Maghera, County Londonderry for JHT (Upperlands) Limited (H/2009/0264/O, H/2009/0270/F & H/2009/0271/LB)

The Commission will convene a short and focussed preliminary remote hearing on 4th February 2021 at 10:30am. The hearing will not engage in any of the substantive matters pertaining to the planning merits or otherwise of the scheme. Rather, it will explore the nature of the information provided to date in order to determine if it is ‘further environmental information’ and the nature and parameters around any additional information. Implications for the current Notices of Opinion and an agreed date for reconvening the hearing will also be discussed in an open forum with the parties.

A detailed agenda will be circulated at least one week prior to the hearing.